
Using GnuCash With Bank of the West

This is not a tutorial for how to setup GnuCash. There is plenty of documentation out there for that. This, however will give you the settings you need to integrate GnuCash with Bankofthewest etimebanker service. This assumes you live in the USA. Have fun.
* AqBanking Wizard

  * Users > General...

    * User Name: (your name)

    * User ID: (your etimebanker id)

    * Customer ID: (your etimebanker id)

    * Country: United States of America

    * Bank ID: (your bank routing code, found at bottom of your check)

  * Users > OFX...

    * FID: "5809"

    * ORG: "BancWest Corp"

    * Server URL: "https://olbp.bankofthewest.com/ofx0002/ofx_isapi.dll"

    * Server Options

      * Supports account list download

      * Supoorts statement download

      * Force SSLv3

    * Expert Settings...

      * APPID: "QWIN"

      * APPVER: "1800"

    * Header Version: "102"

  * Accounts > General...

    * Account Settings


      * Number: (your account number)

      * IBAN: (blank)

      * Owner Name: (your name)

      * Type: "CHECKING" or "SAVINGS"

    * Available Users...

      * All users of this backend

      * Add user

    * Bank Settings

      * Code: (bank routing code)
      * BIC: (blank)

      * Name: "Bank of the West"